Donations of any amount are accepted with gratitude and will go directly towards supporting the arts in Encinitas.
Or scan with your phone to use PayPal
- Make a check payable to “Encinitas Friends of the Arts”
- Please mail your check to:
Encinitas Friends of the Arts
P.O. Box 230410
Encinitas, CA 92023-0410
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Donate to help us form a new Arts and Culture Center in Encinitas.
Be Part of Something Amazing that encourages Innovations through Art!
The Encinitas Friends of the Arts was formed to support a new arts and culture center for our community. At the heart of this new development is Art Education for all. We are prioritizing Communal experiences and Cross sector development. There is a strong need to encourage Innovation by creating a gathering place for both locals and cultural tourists. Help us to activate the much-loved Pacific View site building into a valuable art education resource:
- Create the economic growth for which the arts are well known.
- Add value to our community by celebrating 500 artists and 90 arts organizations willing to contribute their expertise.
- Create new jobs for a state-of-the-art facility
- Take advantage of state and national funding for the arts as never before to match your donations!
Imagine a place where seniors pass on skills to the young who in turn help their elders learn about technologies. Where the design of a garden is not only for physical sustenance, but for spiritual joy. Where the discarded trash is given new life. Where diversity is celebrated and healing is non-verbal. Imagine an art center full of these small miracles that bring communities together, defines them, makes them stronger. Imagine such a jewel in the middle of our art district, an ace in the hole for prosperity and growth. This is our vision for the Arts and Culture Center Encinitas as a Center for Innovation through Art.
Your donations join those from the City, County and State and will help Encinitas be recognized as a true Cultural District.
De San Dieguito Ballet Folklorico Dance Program (Storage Space Need)
While we are grateful to the City of Encinitas by allowing us to offer dance classes at the Community Center, we have had to pay over $180 per month for a storage space to hold the costumes, shoes, and other accessories which our dancers need for performances.
With the projected increase we need to raise $3,000 in total to pay for this space for the next 12 months. Please note that these beautiful costumes have been handmade in Mexico and we need to store and preserve them to the best of our ability in a dry and safe space.
De San Dieguito Mariachi Band program
We need to raise $6,000 to supplement what we have received to date to initiate this much desired music program for children ages 7-17 years old in Encinitas.